SIAM IMR24: Posters

Posters are sought for the SIAM International Meshing Roundtable Workshop 2024, Mar. 5-8, 2024.

Poster topics include meshing algorithms, mesh modelling, geometry processing, mesh visualization and mesh adaption for numerical simulations. Posters are typically of the following types:

  1. Research poster
    Research posters illustrate state-of-the-art techniques. Posters of preliminary results that spur dialogue are encouraged. Posters that augment papers, short courses, and invited talks are also encouraged. For example, a poster might elaborate on a particular technical aspect of a paper or describe the research of other people on the same project.

  2. Technical poster
    Technical posters should feature a process that is impressive, e.g., in terms of its generality, run time, memory use, or automation. Posters in this category should contain significant technical details, not just pictures.


Accepted posters will be displayed at the conference. Presenters will give a one-minute presentation advertising their poster using a single Powerpoint (.ppt) slide. Afterwards, attendees will be encouraged to visit the posters and discuss the details with the presenter. The attendees will be invited to vote on the best poster. To participate in the poster session one must register and attend the conference. Posters must be provided in an A0 .pdf format (841 mm x 1189 mm or 33.1” x 46.8”) with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. The logistics for printing and getting the poster to the venue are the responsibility of the author. All posters should clearly provide the following information:

  • Title
  • Participant(s) name(s)
  • Affiliation

Please do not laminate your poster.


Email your note of commitment by the January 15, 2024 to Harry Fogg. Please upload a zipped (.7z format) copy of your poster pdf and ppt slide by February 12, 2024 on OpenConf.


For any question concerning poster submissions please contact the posters chair: