Challenging Real-World Meshing Problems
Meshing is a multidisciplinary topic. Its fundamental algorithms and related mathematics are profound and complicated. Meshing technology has been greatly advanced over the years. However, we observe there is a big gap between research and applications. This discussion panel aims to highlight and address the mesh problems, which are challenging in theory and applications compared with state-of-the-art technologies.
Invited Panelists
- Prof. John Francis Dannenhoffer III, Syracuse University, NY
- Robert Haimes, Geocentric Technologies
- Prof. Joaquim Peiró, Imperial College London
- Prof. David Xianfeng Gu, Stonybrook University, NY
Next Generation Models for Multiple Simulations
By “next-generation models,” we mean what sort of models we need to be able to mesh, the workflows that generate the things needing to mesh, and how things depend on how the model is going to be used.
We believe this topic could help people who writing algorithms to create meshes. How can they write new code, customize old code, reuse algorithms, and modify scripts for new geometric shapes to generate meshes of variants more quickly? We hope to inspire IMR participants to expand beyond the meshing of manufacturing-style CAD models of parts for analysis.
Invited Panelists
- Bradley Rothenberg, CEO nTopology
- Dr. Darren Engwirda, LC – Luminary Cloud
- Dr. Angela Herring, LANL – Los Alamos National Laboratory
Contact details
For any question or feedback concerning the discussion panels, please contact:
- Hang Si, Discussion Panels Chair